Masterflex 管式泵系统常见问答

  1. Masterflex 管式泵如何运行?


  1. 可以达到多大流速?
  2. 流量精度如何?
  3. 测量体积是否可重现?
  4. 流体粘度对流量有什么影响?


  1. 最大允许压力是多少?
  2. 最大入口压力是多少?
  3. 最大吸程是多少?
  4. 需要止回阀吗?
  5. Masterflex 泵支持干转吗?
  6. Masterflex 泵是自吸泵吗?
  7. Masterflex 泵是容积式泵吗?
  8. Masterflex 泵是非虹吸泵?
  9. 可以泵送泥浆或磨耗性溶液吗?
  10. 为什么会有如此之多的泵头和泵管尺寸?
  11. 流动可逆吗?


  1. 泵管重要吗?
  2. 泵送材料的温度范围是多少?
  3. 什么是耐化学性?
  4. 泵管寿命取决于什么?
  5. 哪种泵管配方的使用寿命最长?
  6. 泵速如何影响泵管寿命?
  7. 泵管是否适用于食品和无菌应用?
  8. 泵管更换是否困难?


  1. 为什么 L/S、I/P 和 B/T 泵组提供的泵头不带驱动器?
  2. 单个驱动器可以使用多个泵头吗?
  3. 除总目录中包括的驱动系统之外,是否可提供其他驱动系统?

Masterflex 管式泵如何运行?


  1. 将泵管置于管床中(滚轴和外壳之间),泵管会受到阻塞(挤压)。
  2. 转子上的滚轴沿着泵管转动,推动流体。滚轴后的泵管恢复形状,产生真空,并将流体吸入。
  3. 滚轴之间则形成了“枕”形流体。泵管的内径和转子的几何形状不同,“枕”形流体则不同。流速则是通过速度与“枕”形流体大小的乘积确定。除非液体非常粘稠,这个“枕”形流体的大小相对稳定。

可查看我们的简易动画视频了解运行中的 Masterflex 管式泵。



Masterflex® Ismatec® 泵系统使用 miniflex 泵头时,流速可达到 0.0011 至 365 mL/min。L/S® 系统流速可达到 0.0006 至 3400 mL/min。I/P 系统流速可达到 0.012 至 13 LPM,B/T® 系统流速可达到 0.3 至 45 LPM。


对于经校准的流量系统,流量精度优于 ±0.5%。对于其他系统,一般传输应用中精度可达 ±2 至 5%。


使用校准系统时,体积可重现,精度为 ±0.5% 或更高。





根据您选择的泵管,最大允许压力为 40 psi (2.7 bar),标称压力为 25 psi (1.7 bar)。


一般是 40 psi (2.7 bar),具体取决于泵管内径、壁厚和配方。


最大吸程为 29 ft (8.8 m) H20。



5. Masterflex 泵支持干转吗?


6.Masterflex 泵是自吸泵吗?

是的。可产生 26" Hg (660 mm Hg) 以上的真空。

7.Masterflex 泵是容积式泵吗?


8.Masterflex 泵是非虹吸泵?



可以。所选泵管内径对应的粘度和粒径是限制因素。对于硬颗粒,建议采用内径达颗粒直径 20 倍的泵管。对于软颗粒,推荐使用内径达颗粒直径 4 倍的泵管。


Masterflex 泵采用模块化设计,适合大多数应用。我们的泵头可满足客户的广泛需求,如高压、剪切敏感流体输送、占地面积小等。与此同时,我们也提供多种适配的 Masterflex 泵管,可用于输送酸、碱、敏感生物制品、食品和其他流体。







最佳温度范围为 32 至 104°F(0 至 40°C)。泵管的最大温度范围为 -40 至 302°F(-40 至 150°C),泵头的最大温度范围为 32 至 104°F(0 至 40°C)。




很多因素都会影响泵管的使用寿命。泵速、系统压力、泵管材料和化学相容性、泵送液体(介质)的磨耗性、流体的温度甚至泵所处的环境都会影响泵管寿命。请访问 STAMP 泵管指南,跟随我们应用团队的分步建议了解如何选择适用的泵管。


使用寿命由长至短排序为 Norprene*、PharMed* BPT、Pharmapure、Puri-Flex、Tygon E-LFL*、硅胶、C-FLEX** 和 Viton***。




适用。有些泵管配方符合 NSF 规范以及 FDA 和 USDA 对食品处理的要求。许多泵管可消毒。


不,实际上泵管更换非常简单。EASY-LOAD®、EASY-LOAD II®高性能卡盘以及 RAPID-LOAD® 泵头使泵管更换更加快速简便。采用标准泵头,利用随附的装配钥匙可轻松更换泵管。


1.为什么 L/S、I/P 和 B/T 泵组提供的泵头不带驱动器?



可以。在驱动器的最大扭矩范围内,可叠加使用任意数量(通常为两到四个)、任意组合的标准或 EASY-LOAD 泵头。


可以。对于批量采购和 OEM 应用客户,我们的工程部门可以根据您的规格定制、设计或修改驱动器或驱动器机构。

* Norprene、PharMed®、Tygon—圣戈班高功能塑料公司 (Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corporation) 注册商标。
**C-FLEX—圣戈班高功能塑料公司 (Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corporation) 注册商标。
*** Viton®—科慕 (Chemours) 公司注册商标。

Creating the perfect laboratory ecosystem is not a matter to take lightly. And it isn’t always easy, which is why we’re committed to not only supplying the best in biologics products, but also answering questions you may have while browsing.

Check out our frequently asked questions for more information on our products and services.

Peristaltic pump basics

  1. How does a Masterflex® tubing pump work?

Flow Rates

  1. What flow rates are attainable?
  2. What flow precision can I expect?
  3. Are measured volumes repeatable?
  4. What is the effect of fluid viscosity on flow?

Pump Heads

  1. What is the maximum obtainable pressure?
  2. What is the maximum inlet pressure?
  3. What is the maximum suction lift?
  4. Are check valves required?
  5. Can Masterflex® pumps run dry?
  6. Are Masterflex® pumps self-priming?
  7. Are Masterflex® pumps positive displacement type pumps?
  8. Are Masterflex® pumps nonsiphoning?
  9. Can slurries or abrasive solutions be pumped?
  10. Why are so many pump heads and tubing sizes offered?
  11. Is flow reversible?


  1. Is the tubing important?
  2. What temperature ranges of materials can be pumped?
  3. What is the chemical resistance?
  4. What determines tubing life?
  5. What tubing formulation gives longest life?
  6. How does pump speed affect tubing life?
  7. Is the tubing compatible for food and sterile applications?
  8. Is the tubing difficult to replace?


  1. Why are pump heads available without drives in the L/S, I/P, and B/T pump groups?
  2. Can more than one pump head be used with a single drive?
  3. Are drive systems other than those shown in our general catalog available?

How does a Masterflex® tubing pump work?

Each pump system is divided into three parts: pump head, drive, and tubing. The pump head consists of the rotor and housing; the drive creates the force needed to move the rotor; and the tubing acts as the pump chamber. These three parts pump fluid by following these steps:

  1. The tubing is placed into the tubing bed — between the rotor and housing — where it is occluded (squeezed).
  2. The rollers on the rotor move across the tubing, pushing the fluid. The tubing behind the rollers recovers its shape, creates a vacuum, and draws fluid in behind it.
  3. A "pillow" of fluid is formed between the rollers. This is specific to the ID of the tubing and the geometry of the rotor. Flow rate is determined by multiplying speed by the size of the pillow. This pillow stays fairly constant except with very viscous fluids.
  4. 4. View our simple animation that demonstrates a Masterflex® tubing pump in motion.

Pump Heads

1. What is the maximum obtainable pressure?

Depending on the tubing you choose, the maximum obtainable pressure is 40 psi (2.7 bar); nominal pressure is 25 psi (1.7 bar).

2. What is the maximum inlet pressure?

Typically 40 psi (2.7 bar), depending on tubing ID, wall thickness, and formulation..

3. What is the maximum suction lift?

The maximum suction lift is 29 ft (8.8 m) H20.

4. Are check valves required?

No. Our unique designs eliminate this need.

5.Can Masterflex® pumps run dry?

Yes. They can pump gases, liquids, or mixed phases.

6. Are Masterflex® pumps self-priming?

Yes. They can develop a vacuum in excess of 26" Hg (660 mm Hg).

7. Are Masterflex® pumps positive displacement type pumps?

Yes. The flow rate with water is directly proportional to the rotor speed up to the maximum capabilities of the drive.

8. Are Masterflex® pumps nonsiphoning?

Yes. One roller is always squeezing the tubing closed, so you don't get any backflow.

9. Can slurries or abrasive solutions be pumped?

Yes. The limitations are viscosity and particle size relative to selected tubing ID. For hard particles, we recommend a tube inner diameter equal to 20x the particle diameter. For soft particles we recommend 4x.

10. Why are so many pump heads and tubing sizes offered?

Masterflex® pumps are modular to fit most any application. We offer pump heads for higher pressures, shear-sensitive fluids, and small footprint requirements to name a few. This synergizes with the variety of Masterflex® tubing available with such formulations for acids and bases, sensitive biologics, food, and many other types of fluids.

11. Is flow reversible?

Yes. Specifications apply in either clockwise or counterclockwise rotation.

Flow Rates

1. What flow rates are attainable?

Our Masterflex® Ismatec® pump systems deliver flow rates from 0.0001 to 365 mL/min. L/S® systems deliver flow rates from 0.00005 to 3400 mL/min. I/P systems deliver flow rates from 0.001 to 26 LPM and B/T® systems deliver flow rates from 0.3 to 42 LPM.

2. What flow precision can I expect?

You can obtain a flow precision of better than ±0.5% with calibrated flow systems. For other systems, you can obtain ±2 to 5% precision for general transfer applications.

3. Are measured volumes repeatable?

Volumes are repeatable with accuracies of ±0.5% or better using calibrated systems.

4. What is the effect of fluid viscosity on flow?

All flow rates are based on water. Increasing the fluid viscosity will decrease the flow rate.


1. Is the tubing important?

The tubing is the pump chamber. The elasticity of the tubing provides suction lift; its strength provides pressure handling ability; its flexible characteristics determine pumping life; its bore determines the flow rate, and its wall thickness determines pumping efficiency.

To ensure accurate flow rates and long tubing life, use only Masterflex Pump Tubing in your pump tubing applications. Masterflex Pump tubing is your best choice because, unlike general purpose commodity tubing, it is specifically designed and precision extruded to meet tight tolerances for use in Masterflex peristaltic pumps. Masterflex tubing will help you achieve top performance and comply with numerous standards and classifications.

2. What temperature ranges of materials can be pumped?

Optimum temperature range is from 32 to 104°F (0 to 40°C). The max temperature range is from -40 to 302°F (-40 to 150°C) for tubing and from 32 to 104°F (0 to 40°C) for the pump head.

3. What is the chemical resistance?

Depends on tubing style (see Tubing and Chemical Compatibility Database).

4. What determines tubing life?

Many factors have an effect on tubing life. Pump speed, and system pressure, tubing material and chemical compatibility, abrasiveness of the liquid (media) being pumped, temperature of the fluid, and even the environment the pump is in have an effect. Visit our STAMP tubing guide for the step-by-step recommendation process followed by our applications team.

5. What tubing formulation has the longest lifespan?

Norprene*, PharMed* BPT, Pharmapure, Puri-Flex, Tygon E-LFL*, silicone, C-FLEX**, and Viton***, in that order.

6. How does pump speed affect tubing lifespan?

Tubing lifespan is inversely proportional to pump speed. Minimum speed gives maximum life.

7. Is the tubing compatible for food and sterile applications?

Yes. Some tubing formulations meet NSF specifications and FDA and USDA requirements for food handling. Many can be sterilized.

8. Is the tubing difficult to replace?

No, tube replacement is actually very simple. The EASY-LOAD®, EASY-LOAD II®, High-Performance, cartridge, and RAPID-LOAD® pump heads make tubing changes quick and easy. With the Standard pump head, tubing is easy to change using the loading key provided.


1. Why are pump heads available without drives in the L/S, I/P, and B/T pump groups?

The modular concept lets you customize your system for maximum flexibility.

2. Can more than one pump head be used with a single drive?

Yes. Any number (typically two to four) can be stacked together in any combination using Standard or EASY-LOAD heads up to the maximum torque capability of the drive.

3. Are drive systems other than those shown in the general catalog available?

Yes. Our Engineering Department can customize, design, or modify a drive or drive package to your specifications for quantity purchases and OEM applications.

* Norprene, PharMed®, Tygon—Registered Trademark Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corporation.
**C-FLEX—Registered Trademark Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corporation.
*** Viton®—Registered Trademark of The Chemours Company.

Masterflex®: Unsurpassed in Our Field

Find all the answers to your questions about pumps, tubing, fluids, and anything else your lab requires. Contact us today with further questions or to place an order.