

库存管理的各个方面都需要大量时间。 从采购,收货,存储,物料补充和内部分配到优化库存水平,整个过程变成了复杂的,跨部门的工作。 最终,这与研究人员或生产团队成员最需要库存管理的东西发生冲突:要在使用时快速提供所需的产品。

即使有专门的库存管理人员,也可以借助托管服务来进行重大改进。 例如,通过将任务外包给完整的供应链来节省时间和金钱,以进行更流畅和有效的采购管理。 但是,您可能不愿依赖第三方,并问:一家外部公司会了解我的库存价值和紧迫性吗? 是否可以准确地获取研究人员所需的多种产品? 如何确保对已经建立的程序和KPI保持控制?

这些问题不仅可以通过Avantor Services来解决,而且还影响了我们与您合作的方式,以最大程度地利用您的库存程序。 从独特的库存管理软件到成熟的管理模型,Avantor Services可以部署一系列解决方案,帮助您获得所需的结果。 请阅读以下内容,以发现我们正在改善企业库存方式的各种方式。

Service Solution Spotlight

Saving Time and Reducing Costs Through Cost-Efficient Inventory Management

Avantor Services' management system prevented repetitive ordering and reduced scientists' involvement, recovering over 4,000 hours per year for research.

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Explore Our Holistic Solutions for Your Challenge

MarketSource Procurement & Sourcing Services

A sourcing solution for research supplies thanks to VWR's well-established relationships with suppliers across the globe.

Inventory manager

A cloud-based, inventory management system, that manages the consumption and replenishment of all your lab supplies (VWR products as well as third-party products from any vendor)

Stockroom Inventory Management

An automated inventory management system prevents repetitive ordering, reduces the burden on scientists, and optimizes inventory levels.

Point-of-Use Inventory Management

Keep supplies closer to the workbench and readily available for use, reducing overstock and time spent locating necessary products.

Chemical Management

Outsourcing delivers comprehensive solutions to chemical management challenges

Shipping & Receiving Operation is Overhauled with No Service Interruptions

A non-profit research organization's relocation is turned into an opportunity to improve logistics and supply chain operations.

B2B Integration Services

Manage your budget, improve reconciliation, consolidate your vendor base, and control maverick spending all in one place.

Technology Solutions

Our portfolio of applications and services provide you with best-in-class technology and in-house specialists to streamline your support chain and deliver a great user experience.

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