

每家科学公司都依靠其科研人员通过研究和发现来推动其市场价值。 但是,科学家可以依靠谁为他们提供工具,解决方案和时间来获得这些结果?

基本但非核心的活动(如研究供应管理,准备实验和协议驱动的工作)占用了日常流程的很大一部分,从而降低了实验室的生产力,而实验室生产力原本可以用于推动公司价值的创新科学。 那么,您的公司如何才能确保充分利用科学和员工资源呢?

Avantor Services提供了答案。 作为科学界的资源,我们的团队运用创新和经验来评估您公司的例行程序并制定满足您需求的独特计划,从而创建既有效又可行的解决方案。 探索以下资源,了解Avantor Services如何提高实验室效率,以帮助研究人员专注于使公司蓬勃发展的科学。

Service Solution Spotlight

Program Recovers Time for Research

Read about how a point-of-use inventory management system at a Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company helped recover over 16,000 hours per year for scientific research.

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Explore Our Holistic Solutions for Your Challenge

Onsite Services

Custom managed services for a wide range of chemistry and biology labs, reducing complexity and creating value for your organization.

Inventory manager

A cloud-based, inventory management system, that manages the consumption and replenishment of all your lab supplies (VWR products as well as third-party products from any vendor)

Chemical Management

Outsourcing delivers comprehensive solutions to chemical management challenges

Point-of-Use Inventory Management

Keep supplies closer to the workbench and readily available for use, reducing overstock and time spent locating necessary products.

Scientific Sample Management

Our team assembled a sample management program that developed improved processes to sustain a growing workload with 50% of the original workforce.

Instrument Calibration & Validation

Keep your results accurate and consistent with these calibration services, ensuring the right reading every time.

Archive and Biorepository Services

EPL Archives is an international biorepository services organization that supports customers across the entire regulated product research, development, and commercialization lifecycle.

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