

提高效率。 降低成本。 专注于盈利能力。 这是在每个行业的大厅中回荡的口头禅。 然而,在生物制药领域这样做是一个独特的挑战。 简化生物加工和药品生产(通常是工业规模生产)意味着在不影响产量的情况下,将重点放在质量,安全性,数量和效率上。

就像生物制药产品中的分子一样,改善cGMP供应链生产同时降低成本的复杂性是巨大的。 一个简单的库存管理错误计算会导致效率损失,制造时间浪费,并使工厂面临关闭的风险。 任何浪费的时间都可能导致无法在全球范围内提供有效的疫苗,药物,API等。

需求很迫切,但是您可以信任谁来帮助您完成如此重要的任务? 依靠Avantor Services。 我们为众多流程提供供应链效率以及现场设施支持。 您将立即看到我们在协助工作中的价值,因为我们管理cGMP批准的耗材,可以有效地将产品从接收区域,质量控制和生产现场交付。 在下面找到有关如何与我们合作的更多信息。

Service Solution Spotlight

Inventory System Streamlines Procurement for cGMP Drug Production Facility

Read how Avantor Services helped save a pharmaceutical company from unnecessary costs, depleted manufacturing time, and even the risk of a shutdown.

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Explore Our Holistic Solutions for Your Challenge

Cleanroom Cleaning

The cleanroom division of VWR – basan – has been a reliable supplier of cleanroom products, services, and expertise for more than 30 years.

Cleanroom Laundry Service (Decontamination & Leasing)

The cleanroom division of VWR – basan – has been a reliable supplier of cleanroom products, services, and expertise for more than 30 years.

VWR Production Support

VWR is ready to support your production facility with reliable access to raw materials and essential supplies.

VWR Custom Manufacturing Services

Delivering high-quality chemicals and services, customized to your product or manufacturing need.

Point-of-Use Inventory Management

Keep supplies closer to the workbench and readily available for use, reducing overstock and time spent locating necessary products.

Bioprocessing Facility Support

Tap the productivity of your pilot or manufacturing suites by reducing the burden of your non-core and routine scientific tasks.

Custom Packaging & Kitting

Get custom kits tailored for your research, production, or other commercial needs quickly and efficiently.

Instrument Calibration & Validation

Keep your results accurate and consistent with these calibration services, ensuring the right reading every time.

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