
Brand-independent, accurate, competence....

Our ISO17025-accredited calibration-facility is able to calibrate and adjust all brands of temperature-devices like thermometers, dataloggers, blocks and baths.

Your advantages:

  • Approved quality
  • Detailed Proces-documentation
  • All brands & models
  • NIST traceable
  • ISO 17025 calibration-certificate
  • Due time reminder system
  • Combine with humidity-calibration

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For temperature measurement our laboratory, can calibrate all types of dial type temperature indicators, dataloggers, recorders, liquid-in-glass thermometers and temperature sensors. A fast, efficient and competitive service is provided to examine, report on and calibrate customers’ instruments in addition to supplying new, calibrated thermometers and dataloggers. Before calibration, all instruments are examined and checked to confirm they are free from any defects. Customers are automatically advised of any non-conformities of instruments they have submitted, prior to calibration.