

生命科学公司面临不断增长的交付创新和价值的需求。 当科学家努力在公司的增长战略中最大化其工作价值时,他们需要充足的机会专注于数据分析,决策,与同事合作开发新发现的模型以及其他创造价值的活动。

科学即服务支持在现代实验室中使用新型高效的工作方式。具有实际实验室经验的Avantor Services同事可以执行协议驱动的科学,直接支持每个独特客户的愿景和策略。

我们聘用,管理和培养具有化学,生物学和工程学背景的协作专业人员。我们的支持人员通常在现场,客户实验室或Avantor Services核心实验室中工作。两种选择都允许VWR为我们的客户扩展支持系统,因此,高价值的生命科学专业人员可以专注于决策,创新和价值。反过来,这为组织的项目交付时间表带来了重大改进的机会。

我们为广泛的化学和生物学实验室提供定制的托管服务。灵活的部署模型使我们的客户能够快速解决不断变化的优先事项。我们的服务是可衡量的,因此您可以放心科学的质量,并随时跟踪您在Avantor Services上的投资回报率。

What Areas and Processes Do We Support?

R&D Lab Scientific Support

Scientific Services for Research Labs

Qualified scientists with backgrounds in chemistry, biology, and engineering can support a wide variety of protocol-driven laboratory work, providing cells, reagents, and testing results for Pharma, Biotech, and Industrial customers. These managed services utilize standardized procedures, protocols, and service level agreements (SLAs)."

General Laboratory Management

Introducing an Avantor Services Lab Manager eliminates the need for your scientists to follow-up on routine lab operational issues. Our lab managers are well-qualified scientists themselves and are designated as first points of contact for all laboratory operational needs. Common functions of the lab manager include:

  • Training new staff on lab equipment/lab processes
  • Managing open access instruments
  • Performing routine equipment checks
  • Providing managerial oversight for our onsite scientific managed services associates

Screening Assay Lab

  • Liquid handling: quality control assessment of automation equipment
  • Preparation of reference compounds to required concentrations
  • Serial dilution
  • Set up and operate plate-based assays
  • Assay data reporting

Cell Culture

  • Conduct maintenance protocols
  • Media/reagent preparation
  • Ordering cells from cell bank
  • Basic microscopy
  • Cell resuscitation
  • Cell line passaging
  • Growth curves
  • Preparation of aliquots
  • Cryopreservation

Histology Core Lab

  • Processing and embedding tissue
  • Sectioning and cryo-sectioning of tissue
  • H/E (haematoxylin eosin) staining of tissue
  • Immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining of tissue

Flow Cytometry Assay Lab

  • Maintain flow cytometry instrumentation
  • Setup experiment and compensation controls
  • Record sample data
  • Perform cell batch analysis and export report data

Genotyping Lab

  • Receive tissue samples
  • Perform DNA extraction
  • Develop sequence-specific genotyping assays
  • Select Primers and Probes
  • Perform singleplex and multiplex real-time qPCR assay
  • Generate genotype study reports

Freezer Farm

  • Catalog and barcode samples
  • Maintain sample database
  • Process sample requests from research groups
  • Sample expiration management
  • Process incoming/outgoing sample batches
  • Maintain equipment
  • Test alarms and backup systems
  • Alarm response

Discovery Chemistry Lab

  • Purification of small molecules by HPLC
  • Purification of small molecules by automated Flash Chromatography
  • Pooling and dry-down of chromatography fractions
  • Collect characterization data for isolated products (LCMS and NMR)

Drug Discovery QC Chemistry

  • Product appearance test
  • Viscosity of the sample
  • Karl Fisher test
  • Particle size analysis
  • Manage stability chambers
  • Drug Dissolution study by HPLC
  • Drug Content by HPLC
  • Degradation Products by HPLC"

View the complete overview of our Scientific Services

Production Support

We deploy experienced and degree-level bioprocessing professionals. In upstream areas, we support cell culture, cell banking, and on-site media/buffer preparation. We can also assist with production suite setups and manage single-use supplies. In downstream operations, our team can assist scientists with filtration, chromatography, and routine analytical checks according to lab protocols.

Avantor Services offers managed services customized for the bioprocessing industry. Our mission is to enable the advancement of bioprocessing science throughout the world. We use process excellence to deliver what we promise, accelerate discovery, scale-up, and improve productivity for you.

  • Manage buffer prep lab, equipment, single-use supplies
  • In-house solutions preparation from powders
  • Operate 2,000L single-use stirred tank systems
  • Perform QA/QC protocols
  • Perform daily lab equipment checks
  • GMP lab record keeping

View the complete overview of our Scientific Services

Sample Management

The management and retrieval of samples is critical. When samples are stored and logged in a systematic manner, scientists can complete more research, analyze and report data faster, and plan follow-up experiments.

Avantor Services ensures that compounds, clinical samples, production retains, and cell banks are well maintained. We offer a service that allows for efficient sample retrieval and delivery to scientists on request. If you need to get cells for an experiment from a stored cell line, we can optionally do the cell scale up on your behalf so that suitable quantities of cells are ready for an experiment.


  • Administration and receipt of tissues from external sources
  • Sample registration and tracking in biobank software
  • Receiving of ambient or frozen samples
  • Sample request processing and shipping of ambient or frozen samples
  • Raise and manage requests for histopathology

Freezer Farm

  • Catalog and barcode samples
  • Maintain sample database
  • Process sample requests from research groups
  • Sample expiration management
  • Process incoming/outgoing sample batches
  • Maintain equipment
  • Test alarms and backup systems
  • Alarm response

View the complete overview of our Scientific Services

Explore Our Related Services & Technology Solutions

White Paper: Science as a Service

Current industry trends and forecasts for the lab of the future indicate that the demand for increased quality, efficiency, and speed-to-market has never been greater.

Onsite Services

Custom managed services for a wide range of chemistry and biology labs, reducing complexity and creating value for your organization.

Business Process Consulting

Operational excellence and cost control enable leading companies to bring advancements in science to market faster.

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